News (As of August 11, 2018)

2018.08.09. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 에 연계 논문 2편 출간. | Two companion papers were published in J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, titled by 'Spectral descriptions of submesoscale surface circulation in a coastal region' and 'Regional variability and turbulent characteristics of the satellite-sensed submesoscale surface chlorophyll concentrations'. | LINK1 LINK2 LINK3 LINK4

2018.05.17. 김성용 교수, 289회 한림원석학과의 만남으로 목포 덕인고등학교학생들에게 신재생에너지에 대한 소개 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim gave a seminar on the renewable energy at the Dukin High School in the 289th meeting with the Korean Academy of Science and Technology Scholars

2018.02.28. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 에 논문 출간. | A paper was published in J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., titled by 'Do non-orthogonally and irregularly sampled scalar velocities contain sufficient information to reconstruct an orthogonal vector current field?'. | LINK

2018.02.26. 고창훈 학생, 석사과정으로 진학. | Changhun Goh started his MS graduate study.

2018.01.31. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 에 논문 게재확정. | A paper was accepted in J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, titled by 'Diagnostic characteristics of submesoscale coastal surface currents'. | LINK

2017.11.25. 김성용 교수, 공동저자로 Advances in Nonlinear Geosciences 도서 출간. | Prof. Sung Yong Kim published a chapter of 'Cautionary remarks on the auto-correlation analysis of self-similar time series' in 'Advances in Nonlinear Geosciences' as a co-author. | LINK

2017.11.20. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech 에 논문 출간. | A paper was published in J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., titled by 'A non-interpolated estimate of horizontal spatial covariance from non-orthogonally and irregularly sampled scalar velocities'. | LINK

2017.11.02. 김성용 교수, 한국과학기술한림원 주최 Yonung Scientist Talk 2017 에 참석, 해양정보학에 대한 발표 | Prof. Kim gave a presenation on 'OceanInformatics' in Young Scientist Talk 2017 hosted by KAST. | LINK1

2017.06.05. 환경유체역학 실험실에서 Stella Daisy 조난사고의 인명 수색/구조를 위한 구명벌 추적 지원 | EFML supports the search and rescue mission by tracking the life raft from the sunken Stella Daisy. | LINK1 LINK2


2017.05.31. 김성용 교수, 198 한림원석학과의 만남으로 서울 세종고등학교학생들에게 환경유체에 대한 소개 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim gave a seminar on the environmental fluids at the Sejong High School in the 198th meeting with the Korean Academy of Science and Technology Scholars. | LINK


2017.02.24. 김성용 교수, 한국차세대과학기술한림원 (Y-KAST) 창립회원으로 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim was selected as a member of the Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST). | LINK1 LINK2


2017.02.17. 이은애, 원상인 학생, 석사학위 수여 | Eun Ae Lee and Sang In Won received their Master degrees.


2017.01.02. 김성용 교수, 한국연구재단 핵심평가자로 선정| Prof. Sung Yong Kim was elected as the core reviewer in the National Research Foundation.


2016.12.02. 김성용 교수, 한국을 빛낼 젊은 과학자 30 선정 (해양학분야 단독선정; 포항공대 동아일보 주최) | Prof. Sung Yong Kim was selected as one of 30 Young Scientists to brighten Natural Sciences, particularly, Oceanography in Korea for next 30 years by the Pohang University of Science and Technology and Dong-A Ilbo. | LINK1 LINK2 LINK3


2016.12.01. 김성용 교수, 북태평양해양과학기구 (PICES) WG-38 회원으로 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim serves as a member of Working Group-38 (Mesoscale and submesoscale processes) in PICES. | LINK


2015.06.20. 이은애, 원상인 학생, Gordon Research Conference-Coastal Ocean Modelling 참석 | Eun Ae Lee and Sang In Won gave a poster presentation in Gordon Research Conference-Coastal Ocean Modelling, Massachusetts, USA.


2015.01.01. 김성용 교수, 북태평양해양과학기구 (PICES) 연안관측 자문위원으로 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim serves as the Advisory Panel of North Pacific Coastal Ocean Observing System (AP-NPCOOS) in PICES. | LINK


2014.11.06. 김성용 교수, 극지기술연구회 운영위원 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim was elected as a member of operational committee of the Korean Polar Science and Technology Research Association.


2014.11.06. 김성용 교수, 한국해양학회 젊은과학자 우수논문상 수상 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim was the recipient of the Young Scientist Award from the Korean Society of Oceanography (2014). | LINK


2014.07.01. 김성용 교수, 북태평양해양과학기구 (PICES) 관측 (MONITOR) 전문위원으로 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim serves as a committee member of MONITOR in North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). | LINK


2013.12.10. 김성용 교수, 한국과학기술한림원 선도과학자 선정 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim was selected as the Young Frontier Research Scientist in the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. | LINK


2013.11.26. 김성용 교수, Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans출간한 논문 'Poleward propagating subinertial alongshore surface currents off the U.S. West Coast' AGU EOS Research Spotlight 소개 | 'Poleward propagating subinertial alongshore surface currents off the U.S. West Coast' published in Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans is featured in AGU EOS Spotlight. | LINK


2013.06.10. 김성용 교수, 미국한림원 한국과학기술한림원 주최 1 Kavli 학회 참석 | Prof. Sung Yong Kim attended the 1st Kavli Frontier Conference, US National Academy of Science and Korean Academy of Science and Technology. | LINK